In today’s market, consumers are looking more closely at the ways in which their food is produced. Socially conscious consumers use their purchasing power to try and positively influence the markets around them. They support products and brands that align with their moral values.
People base their grocery consumption on their personal values. They usually weigh the balance between the quality and price of a product, but also on how the product fits into their lifestyle and social conscience. Companies that want to be competitive in the market need to listen to the demands of consumers and build trust with them.
This is also true for producers that sell to large chains. Consumer concern for the welfare of farm animals has gained momentum, with large chains such as McDonald’s, Loblaws and Tim Hortons all looking to source food from farms that practice good animal welfare. They’re doing so because that’s what the consumer base is demanding of them, so that is what they are asking of their suppliers.

Producers should be aware of the evolving consumer attitudes on animal welfare and consider potential changes to production where appropriate. There are a few organizations that can help producers show how they raise their cattle and the impact that has on product quality and marketability.
The Verified Beef Program certifies beef producers that adhere to high standards of food safety, animal care, and environmental stewardship. This helps beef producers reassure customers that they are making humane choices when it comes to the welfare of their cattle.
The Verified Beef Program allows producers to “demonstrate the care they provide to their beef animals and their commitment to land management and conservation.” It’s a way to show their consumers how they are practicing sustainable agriculture.
proAction is a similar program for dairy producers. It allows producers to “demonstrate responsible stewardship of their animals and the environment, sustainably producing high-quality, safe, and nutritious food for consumers.”
Similarly to the Verified Beef Program, proAction allows producers to “offer proof to customers that they work to ensure milk quality and safety, and to continually improve animal health and welfare as well as environmental stewardship.”
Programs such as these offer producers the opportunity to prove their commitment to animal welfare best practices. They assure consumers and retailers that their animals are well taken care of and the product they are purchasing is of the highest quality.