Castration Done Right

HOW PAIN MANAGEMENT HELPS The castration of male cattle is nothing new. Historically, bulls were castrated so that the oxen used to pull plows and wagons would have decreased amounts of testosterone in their system. This made it easier to control them. Today, castration is used for a number of reasons ranging from decreasing aggression…

Not All Pain is Created Equal

Pain can be acute, chronic, emotional, physical, generalized, localized, adaptive and maladaptive. Since many types of pain can be experienced simultaneously, its presence is easier to identify than its intensity. Pain can be caused by disease as well as standard practices including branding, castration and dehorning. WHY PAIN CAN BE BENEFICIAL A certain amount of…

What is Animal Welfare?

The discussion surrounding animal welfare has been growing in popularity within the bovine industry, as well as consumers. At its core, animal welfare is the belief that animals should be treated with respect and dignity throughout their lifetime. The OIE (The World Organization for Animal Health) is the industry leader when it comes to animal…

Recognizing Pain in Your Herd

PAIN IS GOOD… AND BAD Pain cannot be completely eliminated, nor should it. It serves a very real purpose in both humans and in cattle. Acute pain is protective and triggers avoidance behaviours. It helps cattle avoid further injuring themselves, supports the recovery process and teaches them to avoid similar injury in the future. This…

Overcoming Diarrhea in Your Herd

Diarrhea occurs when intestinal fluids are not absorbed properly in the intestines. Anything that affects the intestines’ ability to absorb fluid can result in diarrhea. The cause of diarrhea can be both nutritional and infectious. Nutritional causes of diarrhea can include grain overload, cobalt or selenium deficiency, copper toxicity, or in young calves, changes in…

Animal Welfare as a Differentiator

In today’s market, consumers are looking more closely at the ways in which their food is produced. Socially conscious consumers use their purchasing power to try and positively influence the markets around them. They support products and brands that align with their moral values. People base their grocery consumption on their personal values. They usually…

Animal Welfare: A Long & Storied History

Since the beginning of time, the lives of animals and humans have been intertwined. It’s an enduring relationship that has left an indelible mark on society. From the first cave paintings that adorned our ancestor’s walls to harnessing their strength as tools, it has been a complex bond. We’ve exploited them in the name of…